Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration NZ is hosting a free Awareness & Education Seminar on the eye disease, macular degeneration. The aim of the seminar is to share the latest information on research and treatments and the management and impact of living with macular degeneration. The seminar will be led by local ophthalmologist, Dr David Dalziel and we hope to have low vision aids and equipment available for the public to view.

Macular Degeneration (MD) is a progressive eye disease that is the major cause of blindness in New Zealand, with 1 in 7 New Zealanders over the age of 50 showing some evidence of the disease, while 1 person in 4 over 80 will have some vision loss, affecting quality of life and independence. Increasing awareness of this age-related eye disease is therefore a very important aim of these seminars.

Date: Saturday 26 September
Time: 10am – 11:30am

This event complies with Alert Level 2 restrictions. If we are still on Alert Level 2 on the 26th of September, not more than 100 people are allowed to be in the Event Centre at any given time.

To Register call 0800 MACULA (622852), or email


Sat 26 Sep 2020


10:00 am - 11:30 am


Event Centre
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