Brenda Moir
I have always been involved with colour and was trained as an analytical textile “colour matcher “in my early employment. It was inevitable then that I turned to “Art”as my favourite activity when I finally granted myself the time to enjoy life- and making the move to the “Bay of Islands”.
My first dabble with paints was oils and although I enjoyed this medium I found constraints in portability, and time requirements.
When I moved onto watercolours, I was amazed at the difference in the action of the paint but felt inhibited by the restrictions this style of painting placed upon me.
Now I have made my way to acrylics I revel in the science involved in learning about the mediums, techniques and application.
I am also using oils again as new mediums are evolving so I can immerse myself in a different style of painting and thoroughly enjoy the journey of creativity with more diversity.
I am inspired by an image that “touches” me and so I hope to create a painting, which in turn evokes the same emotion in the viewer.
My images are usually basically realism are taken from the natural landscape, flora and fauna and bird life.
I am an artist who has to “feel” the subject before and during the process of painting it.
Some of my works can take months to complete as I work with all shapes and sizes of background, applying great attention to detail in most.
I also enjoy working with and changing the outside canvas or board shape to create an interesting outline for the painting itself.
Many times I have used old pieces of driftwood or found objects discarded or unwanted -which I am then rejuvenating, recycling and creating an artwork from.
I continue to evolve as I absolutely thrive on finding solutions to creating the right finish, texture, or result I wish to achieve.
An incredibly rewarding pastime!!!