Tessa Brown
A love of the outdoors led to a desire to paint the mountains, coasts, streams and huts of NZ, and later native birds. Eventually a discovery of the versatility of acrylics gave fruition to that desire and I began painting about 10 years ago. Self taught, I love the excitement of starting a painting, it going wrong, coming back to it, and eventually the satisfaction of the finished product.
I studied Graphic Design for 3 years at The London School of Printing. In our last year 4 of us won a nationwide advertising competition, The Layton Awards.
I worked in London for a group of Graphic Designers working at the BBC on documentaries & also annual reports (no computers then!!) before emigrating to NZ in 1968. Moving to Ohope after marriage I took up silkscreening, designing wraparound skirts, bags, hangings etc. I took up painting late in life.
Tessa Brown